Update note

Update list

2016/09/?? update: (coming soon)

Function Update list Note (in Tranditional chinese)
Gene search Promoter analysis => coexpression network
       1. Interface:
         Use Cytoscape web javascript version to replace Cytoscape web flash version
       2. New feature:
         A. More friendly interface
         B. Allow user to copy the gene list which are selected.
         C. Download the network (tab format)
Promoter analysis 的結果頁中,看coexpression network的功能:
       1. 介面
         使用cytoscape web javascript版本來替換原先的flash版本,以避免未來各大游覽器不支援flash的狀況。
       2. 特性
         A. 變得更好用
         B. 提供按鈕,可以讓使用者去複製他選擇的那些基因。
         C. Network下載(為表格)。
Gene group analysis Gene group analysis result => Gene group analysis graph => coexpression network
       1. Interface:
         Use Cytoscape web javascript version to replace Cytoscape web flash version
       2. New feature:
         A. More friendly interface
         B. Allow user to copy the gene list which are selected.
         C. Download the network (tab format)
Gene group analysis的結果頁中,可以去點連結看TF/TFBS在promoter的分布。在此頁下方,有coexpression network連結。此更新就是修改coexpression network。
       1. 介面
         使用cytoscape web javascript版本來替換原先的flash版本,以避免未來各大游覽器不支援flash的狀況。
       2. 特性
         A. 變得更好用
         B. 提供按鈕,可以讓使用者去複製他選擇的那些基因。
         C. Network下載(為表格)。

2016/08/16 update:

Function Update list Note (in Tranditional chinese)
Gene group analysis Multiple promoter analysis:
       1. Download file: add the file extention name (none => .txt)
       2. The Matrix associated TF family and TF IDs are added. (Separated with ";")
Maize, rice and Arabidopsis:
       1. Download file: add the file extention name (none => .txt)
       2. In *Gene_group.allTFBS.txt file, the TF name and TF family are added.
Multiple promoter analysis:
        2.與此matrix相關的TF都已經列出(用分號隔開)。在未來,若新增了TF batch search,那便可將此結果丟到TF batch searc查詢。
Maize, rice and Arabidopsis:
        1. Occurence檔的結果下載檔加上.txt的附檔名。
        2. 在TFBS的掃描結果檔,再額外新增TF name和TF family資訊。